Welcome to our new website
/Hi Followers,
We have now launched a new website contendersportsmgt.com
The new site provides information about golfers represented by Contender Sports; Darren Beck, James Grierson, Sarah kemp and Travis Smyth
This site combines all the blogs, information and images that were previously on a number of individual sites. Useful links are provided to all the golf tour websites so you can easily keep abreast of tournament progress.
We want to encourage all followers to sign up to receive blogs from the website. The sign up can be for all blogs (sign up on the landing page) or simply to the one golfer you are following by signing up on their individual page. The blogs will continue to be shared with the individual Facebook pages for each golfer and to a new Facebook page for Contender Sports.
As followers of these great athletes we share the emotional roller coaster of their careers. Your support is tremendously important so let’s hear from you!